Parents & Friends Association

Through advocacy, representation and service, our committee seeks to work for and within the St Brigid’s School community and inspire parents to be engaged and genuine partners in their children’s education.

Our Parents and Friends committee meet one to two times per term and works collaboratively with the school to promote and sustain a Catholic education which will help all children and young people to achieve their God given potential. 

The Parents and Friends committee is affiliated with the larger context of Catholic School Parents of Western Australia.

The Parents and Friends of St Brigid’s Executive Committee in 2025 are:

  • President - Bruce Beesley
  • Secretary - Jasmine Schmidt-Hunt
  • Treasurer - Kacey Rutten
  • General Members:
    • Bree Payton-Teale
    • Claire Stearne
    • Tori Brenzi
    • Sheridan Higgins
    • Aleisha Fullam

To get in contact with our P&F or for any further information please email the school on